I love my church! Seriously! I love my church! It is the furthest thing from every preconceived notion I had about church. It is comfortable. Filled with people who are nice and genuinely enjoy being there. It is a place where you can go where there are no expectations placed on you. You are not expected to dress a certain way. You are not expected to behave a certain way. You can literally come as you are; and get this, they are always happy to see you and welcome you.
Our church is not only a place where we go to learn about God, but we also listen to some amazing music. We meet people we may not otherwise meet. Here is the kicker though: We learn so much about ourselves!
We learn what is important to us. We learn how to love others. We learn how much we are loved! We learn we are able to do so much more than we think we can. We learn to let go. We learn to trust in Him. We learn to help others and how rewarding that is!
Here is the awesome thing about my church: Even if I can't make it to a service, I can still participate by watching the service online! I love that! Let's face it, sometimes life happens, or Satan will try his hardest to keep us away from something we need to hear, but with the online option, I can watch a service more than once!
One of our favorite series is coming up, At the Movies. It is fantastic! I would love for you to take some time out of your week and watch our special series during July, you never know when you may see or hear something that was written just for you.
Check it out! LifeChurch You won't be sorry!
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